상큼한 애플망고의 진한 과즙 43%로 만들어진 이 젤리는 한 입 베어물 때마다 달콤함이 퍼지는 기분을 선사해요.
부드럽고 쫄깃한 식감 덕분에 입안 가득 기분 좋은 여운이 남아, 언제 어디서든 기분 전환에 딱! 과일의 신선한 맛과 달콤함을 가볍게 즐기고 싶은 당신에게,
이 젤리는 마치 작은 망고를 통째로 담은 것 같은 특별한 간식이 될 거예요.
“휴양지의 달콤함을 한입에”
휴양지에서 신선한 망고를 맛봤던 그 순간, 기억하시나요? 43% 과즙이 듬뿍 담긴 말랑하고 쫀득한 이 젤리로 그 달콤함을 다시 느껴보세요.
400g x 17봉 1박스 (부가세 배송비 포함가)
【 Payment Method 】
* Bank Transfer: Woori Bank, Nonghyup Bank, Credit (Debit) Card :
* The bank account number for transfers is provided in the automatic email sent after your order.
* Bank transfers will be automatically canceled if payment is not made within a specified period.
【 Cancellation・Refund 】
1. 100% Refund of Payment Amount
ㆍCancellation before delivery: 100% refund.
ㆍIn case of a clear fault by our system or the seller: 100% cancellation/refund.
2. Refund of Amount Excluding Round-trip Shipping Costs for Simple Change of Mind
ㆍIf partially damaged, refund only for the damaged quantity.
3. Exchange/Return Restrictions
ㆍFor custom-made products, if the production has already started.
ㆍIf the product is opened and used after delivery, and there is serious damage affecting resale (e.g., missing parts).
ㆍIf the product’s value has significantly decreased due to time elapsed or partial use.
ㆍIf damage/fault/contamination occurs due to careless handling.
ㆍIf the customer requests free exchange/return due to a simple change of mind.
ㆍIf free exchange/return is requested due to changes in parts prices by the manufacturer.